
Flap Happy: A Rogue-like Platformer for the NES and Gameboy

Created by Ryan Carson

A Flocking Challenge for the NES and Game Boy by Refresh Games

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Flap Happy News Flash: Stretch Goals Unveiled & TV Spectacular! 📺
9 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 10:02:37 AM

Hey there, Flap-tastic Backers!

We're bursting with excitement to share some egg-citing updates straight from the coop! 🐔 First things first, we've unleashed not one, but TWO brand-new stretch goals that'll take our Flap Happy adventure to dizzying new heights! 🚀

🎮 New Characters at $25K: Get ready to welcome some fresh feathered faces into the Flap Happy universe! If we hit the mark, Little Flappy won't be flapping solo anymore as when we introduce exciting new playable characters to join the fun.

🕹️ Extra Game Modes at $35K: The fun never stops in Flap Happy land! Reach this milestone, and we'll unlock additional game modes guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours on end.

But wait, there's more! 📺 We're teaming up with the fantastic folks at Rent The Chicken for an exclusive television event you won't want to miss! Join us on Talk Pittsburgh airing February 16th at 3 pm on CBS Pittsburgh Channel 2 for an inside look at all things Flap Happy. We'll be clucking about gaming, coop collaborations, and all the fun that's in store.

Now's the time to spread your wings and help us soar to new heights! Share the Flap Happy love with friends, family, and fellow gamers. Together, we'll make Flap Happy history!

Stay tuned for more updates, contests, and surprises coming your way. Let's make this Kickstarter fly higher than ever before!

Flap-tastically yours,

The Flap Happy Team

Developer Log: Journey into ASM and the Birth of Flap Happy
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 09:52:15 AM

Hey Flapsters! 

I wanted to take a moment to share with you a look back at my journey into the depths of NES development and the wild world of assembly language (ASM). It all started around 2018 when I dipped my toes into ASM with the Atari 2600, but let's just say it was a bit of a rocky but plucky start.

Invasion VS - NES edition - homebrew attempt #1

The first couple of projects were a bit of a rollercoaster – started with gusto but ended up on the cutting room floor. But hey, that's all part of the learning curve, right? ASM is a whole different beast compared to C, dealing with raw bytes and nothing else. It had been quite the ride at this point. I hit a few bumps along the way, ran out of time during a game jam, and spent a good chunk of time feeling defeated. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I picked myself up and dove back in, armed with new determination.

Super Floofy Sheepie - homebrew test #2

With every stumble, I learned a little bit more, and it wasn't long before I set my sights on something big – a port of the legendary Flapadiddle by Jayenkai.

My earlier attempts taught me the ins and outs of ASM – how to organize code, manipulate backgrounds, and work with palettes. Armed with this knowledge, I embarked on a journey to create something truly special. Enter Flap Happy – a procedurally generated game that's as addictive as it is challenging.

This meant creating a seeded linear randomizer in ASM that produces reasonably random, set values. After researching, I came across a simple one for 8-bit values, which simply multiplied by 13 and added 1.

After prototyping some levels in PHP and GDLib I felt ready to tackle this in ASM, and so ended up with the following:

Now, Flap Happy was starting to take shape. Each level was procedurally generated with a seed based on the internal frame counter, and I must say, it was playing pretty darn well! But we were just scratching the surface – there were tons of features I wanted to add, and plenty of room to expand within the 32kb limit. The story doesn't end there, but you’ll have to stay tuned for our next update!

As a little treat for you all, I wanted to share a sneak peek at some of the original box art ideas for Flap Happy. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Thanks for joining me on this adventure, folks. Together, we're going to make Flap Happy fly higher than ever before!

Until next time,


We're Egg-static to Announce: We've Hatched $15K! 🎉🐣
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 03:47:25 PM

Hey Flap-tastic Backers!

Guess what? We've reached a clucking awesome milestone – we've cracked $15K in funding! 🥳🐔 That's right, our little Flap Happy adventure is gaining feathers and flying higher than ever before, fully funded baby! Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us reach this eggstraordinary achievement!

But wait, there's more! 🎉 We've got some egg-citing surprises in store for you, and trust us, they're worth clucking about! We won't spill the beans (or should we say eggs?) just yet, but let's just say you won't want to miss what we have in the coop for you. Stay tuned for more feather-ruffling updates coming your way soon!

And remember, we're just getting started! 🚀 With your continued support, we can make Flap Happy the most egg-cellent avian adventure the gaming world has ever seen. So keep spreading the word, clucking with excitement, and flapping those wings – together, we'll reach new heights!

Thanks a dozen for being such egg-cellent backers. Let's keep this egg-stravaganza going!

Feathered high-fives and chicken nugget vibes,

The Flap Happy Team

🥚Thank You for an Eggstraordinary First Day! 🎉
9 months ago – Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 09:18:31 AM

Dear Flap Happy Backers,

Wow! What a clucking fantastic first day it's been for our Flap Happy Kickstarter campaign! We're thrilled to announce that thanks to your incredible support, we've soared to 80% of our funding goal in just 24 hours. This is all thanks to each and every one of you – our feathered friends who believe in our game and our vision.

Your enthusiasm and dedication have truly blown us away, and we're beyond grateful for your unwavering support. We couldn't have asked for a better start to our journey together.

We caught up with the wonderful  Patrick Hickey Jr from Old School Gamer Magazine earlier this month and had a fun time answering some questions! If you want to learn more about Flap Happy dev Ryan Carson, then you'll definitely want to check out this interview!

But wait, there's more! We still have some surprises up our sleeves, and we need your help to spread the word far and wide. Let's flap it to the finish line together and make Flap Happy the ultimate avian adventure!

Here's how you can help:

  • Spread the word on social media, in gaming communities, and among your friends and family.
  • Share our Kickstarter campaign link and encourage others to join the flock.
  • Don't forget about our free Gleam giveaway contest – it's the perfect opportunity to win something eggstra-special!

Thank you once again for your incredible support and for believing in Flap Happy. Together, we're making gaming history, one flap at a time!

Feathered regards,

The Flap Happy Team